
Ensuring Public Safety: Japan’s Rigorous Mental Health Assessment for Shooters


Japan has the world’s most stringent rules relating to the licensing and ownership of firearms.  As a result, it has an exemplary record of low gun-related violence with annual rates of gun related deaths lying in single figures each year for a country of 125 million people[1]. The USA provides a stark contrast where 48,830 people in a population 331 million people die each year as a result of gun violence[2], and that doesn’t include injuries due to gun violence.

A very obvious difference is the approach taken to firearms use and ownership in both countries.  Included, and representing a central part of Japan’s approach, is their rigorous assessment of the mental health capacity of individuals seeking firearms licenses. This article highlights the comprehensive mental health evaluation process, including the initial assessment and the process of re-examination that underscores Japan’s commitment to responsible gun ownership.

Initial Mental Health Assessment

  1. Background Checks and Application Submission Prospective firearm owners begin the journey towards obtaining a firearms license by submitting a comprehensive application. The process includes detailed background checks, criminal history evaluations, and includes interviews with family, friends and colleagues. This holistic approach aims to gather a comprehensive understanding of the applicant’s character and behaviour[3].
  2. Psychological Evaluation A pivotal aspect of the application process is the psychological evaluation conducted by licensed mental health professionals. Applicants are subjected to in-depth interviews and assessments that explore their mental and emotional well-being. This step ensures that individuals with potential risk factors or mental health concerns are identified[4].
  3. Risk Factor Identification Mental health professionals employ standardized psychological assessment tools to identify potential risk factors associated with violent behaviour or self-harm. This aspect of the assessment underscores the authorities’ commitment to preventing individuals who might pose a threat to public safety from acquiring firearms[5].
  4. Family and Colleague Consultations. To achieve a well-rounded understanding of the applicant’s mental health capacity, mental health professionals are authorised to consult with family members and colleagues. Their insights provide valuable context and contribute to a comprehensive assessment[6].

Re-examination Procedures

The authorities in Japan require the regular renewal of firearms licenses. Firearm licenses are only valid for a limited period, typically three years, and after this period has expired, individuals must undergo a re-examination process. During this re-examination, applicants are subjected to the same comprehensive review that includes background checks, mental health evaluations, and interviews[7].

  1. Updated Background Checks. Re-examination includes a thorough review of the applicant’s background, criminal history, and any potential affiliations with criminal organizations. This process ensures that individuals who may have developed risk factors since their initial assessment are not granted continued firearm ownership[8].
  2. Mental Health Evaluation Just as in the initial assessment, the re-examination process involves a mental health evaluation conducted by licensed professionals. This evaluation assesses any changes in the applicant’s mental and emotional well-being, as well as the presence of new risk factors[9].
  3. Storage Compliance Inspection In addition to evaluating mental health, re-examination often involves inspecting the firearm storage facilities of existing gun owners. This reinforces Japan’s commitment to responsible gun ownership and proper storage practices[10].


Japan’s robust mental health assessment process for firearms licensing is a testament to its commitment to public safety and responsible gun ownership. By focusing on initial assessments that employ rigorous psychological evaluations and comprehensive background checks, as well as instituting re-examination procedures that address changing circumstances, Japan ensures that individuals seeking firearms licenses are mentally fit and stable. This meticulous approach plays a vital role in maintaining Japan’s low rates of gun-related violence and fostering a culture of responsible gun ownership.

Of course, comparison’s can be made with other countries, particularly the USA.  Often following a mass shooting, gun advocates declare that weapons should not be provided to individuals who have mental health issues, though they do not provide any suggestion that gun owners should be properly examined.  The results are in the numbers!


[1] A Kohli, ‘Shinzo Abe’s Assassination Was Rare Inn a Country Wiht Strict Gun Laws.  Here’s What to Know’ (online, 10 July 2022) <https://time.com/6195409/japan-gun-contol-regulation/>.

[2] J Gramlich, ‘What the Data Says about Gun Deaths in the U.S.’, Pew Research Centre (online, 26 April 2023) <https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/>.

[3] Guidance for Licenses of Firearms and Swords. (National Police Agency, Japan, 2021) <https://www.npa.go.jp/english/firearms/Information/License_Guidance.pdf>.

[4] Y Suzuki, K Kadawaki and Y Okubo, ‘Review of Mental Health Laws and Related Public Health Policies in Japan.’ 47 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 10.

[5] ‘Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals’ <https://www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide/resource_media.pdf>.

[6] M Idaka, ‘Firearms Control in Japan: Focusing on the Licensing and Supervision.’ (2019) 14(1) Nagoya University Journal of Comparative and International Law 105.

[7] Guidance for Licenses of Firearms and Swords. (n 3).

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

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