
Section 32 Firearms Act 1996 (NSW)

s 32 Minor’s firearms permits




An applicant for a minor’s firearms permit must:


be of or above the age prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section and under the age of 18 years, and


have completed a firearms safety training course in accordance with the regulations.


The application must contain the written consent of a parent or guardian of the applicant to the issue of the permit.


A minor’s firearms permit is to be of one of the following classes:

a minor’s firearms training permit,

a minor’s target pistol permit.


A minor’s firearms training permit authorises the person to whom it is issued to possess and use a firearm (other than a pistol or a prohibited firearm), but only:


under the supervision of the holder of a category A, category B or category C licence (or a person authorised by the Commissioner to supervise the use by minors of firearms of the kind concerned), and


for the purpose of receiving instruction in the safe use of the firearm or competing in such events as are approved by the Commissioner.

Note. Reference to a pistol includes a prohibited pistol.


Despite subsection (5), the Commissioner may issue a minor’s firearms training permit that authorises the person to whom it is issued to possess and use a self-loading or pump action shotgun of a kind to which a category C licence applies, but only:


under the supervision of the holder of a category A, category B or category C licence (or a person authorised by the Commissioner to supervise the use by minors of such firearms), and


for the purpose of participating in a recognised clay target shooting competition, and


if the person to whom the permit is issued complies with the restrictions set out in section 17A (2).

The provisions of section 17A (3)–(6) apply to and in respect of any such permit in the same way as those provisions apply to and in respect of a special category C licence as referred to in that section.


A minor’s target pistol permit authorises the person to whom it is issued to possess and use a target pistol (and no other kind of firearm), but only:


under the supervision of the holder of a category H licence who is authorised to use a pistol for the purposes of target shooting, and


for the purpose of receiving instruction in the safe use of the pistol or competing in such events as are approved by the Commissioner.


The supervision of a person for the purposes of this section is to be as required by the regulations.


Unless sooner surrendered or revoked, a minor’s firearms permit expires on the permit holder’s eighteenth birthday.


Despite subsection (7), the authority conferred by the permit continues for the period prescribed by the regulations so as to enable an application for a licence or permit to be determined.

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