
Section 6A Firearms Act 1996 (NSW)

s 6A Exemption for certain firearms manufactured before 1900


A person is exempt from any requirement under this Act to hold a licence or permit in respect of the possession of an antique firearm. However, the exemption provided by this subsection does not extend to an antique revolver.
A licence or permit will still be required to use any such firearm.


An antique firearm is not required to be registered. Accordingly, a person does not commit an offence under section 36 or 37 (2) in relation to an antique firearm


A permit under section 31 to acquire a firearm is not required in the case of an antique firearm.


Sections 50, 50AA, 51 and 51A do not apply in relation to the supply or acquisition of an antique firearm or a firearm part for an antique firearm. However, the exemption provided by this subsection does not extend to an antique revolver or a firearm part for an antique revolver.


 Sections 50 (b) and 51 (1) (b) (ii) and (1A) (b) (ii) do not apply in relation to the supply or acquisition of an antique revolver.


The possession of an antique firearm by a person in accordance with an exemption under this section is taken not to be possession for the purposes of section 51D.


In this section—
antique firearm means any firearm manufactured before 1900 that—


in the case of a firearm other than a pistol—


is not capable of discharging breech-loaded metallic cartridges, or


is a firearm the ammunition for which is determined by the Commissioner to be ammunition that is not commercially available, or


in the case of a pistol—is not capable of discharging breech-loaded metallic cartridges.
antique revolver means an antique firearm that is a percussion lock pistol equipped with a revolving cylinder.


Any determination by the Commissioner of the ammunition that is not commercially available for the purposes of this section must be published in the Gazette.

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